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Showing posts from February, 2013

Zone of the Enders HD Collection Review

I like cult classics. I like Hideo Kojima. And you know what I really like? Giant robots. Giant robots that beat the crap out of each other and cause a ton of collateral damage to the surrounding area. So obviously, once I heard of it, I needed to pick up the Zone of the Enders HD Collection. This version of the games has gotten a lot of flack from reviewers, but it's not all true. In fact, most of their problems aren't really that major. The Zone of the Enders HD Collection includes both Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner. An awesome demo of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is also included, but I won't be getting into that. The Zone of the Enders games have always had this style and flair to them that I've loved since the start. The game is just too fun. Keep in mind this review is going to be a bit longer than most because I'm going to cover both the original Zone of the Enders, and the sequel. The Zone of the Enders games take place

Mayflash Universal Adapter Review (PS3, 360, PC, PS2)

As to not let the waters get stale with game reviews, I, Aesop (yours truly), will be switching it up today with a product review. Namely: the Mayflash Universal Adaptor. Now, if you're anything like me, when the ashes cleared and you grew out of The Great Console War, you came out with both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.  And if you're creepily like me, after prolonged play with both of them, you'll have noticed only 3 major differences: The exclusives, the payment (I'm looking at you Xbox Live), and the controllers. A little back story on me again: I grew up on Playstation. I didn't own anything other than Sony systems all the way up to the Nintendo DS Lite and I've owned every Sony gaming system. Now, you might be thinking, "What does this have to do with the review?" It actually has a lot to do with it. You see, the Mayflash Universal Adapter is an adapter that lets you use your preferred controller; whether it be Xbox, Dau

Persona 4 Arena Review (PS3, 360)

Hey, everyone! Aesop again and today, I'd like to talk to you about a game (shocking, I know). It's a game after my own heart and one of the funnest I've played. Today, I'll be reviewing Persona 4 Arena . Now, if you haven't played the original Persona 4 , WHY?! What excuse do you have for not playing one of the best JRPG's ( Final Fantasy 7 eat your heart out) to date?! I seriously recommend it and you can expect a review on here soon, that's a promise. Okay, now that that's out of the way, onto the game. From the very beginning, this game is STYLISH! How stylish you ask? As stylish as Robert Downey Junior at any given moment! From the main menu to the BEAUTIFULLY hand drawn sprites, ( MY EYES! THEY BLEED!) everything just looks so good! The only way they could possibly make it look any better would be to include a Gucci belt with each copy of the game. It's really as close as you can get to PLAYING an anime (well, there IS  Narut

Valkyria Chronicles Review (PS3)

The #1 topic with reviewers on a new site: What should I do for my first review? I've spent the past hour trying to figure out what it would be. I wanted something that I could elaborate on for hours on end; Something that would show my preferences. I was debating on whether or not I should start with one of my favorites or just a general one that I like, but then it hit me: I'll do a review of one of the most enthralling, addicting, well-put-together games out there. One of my personal favorite games of all time, and my all-time favorite strategy game: Valkyria Chronicles. Valkyria Chronicles' gameplay is some of the most innovative and addicting I've seen. Flawlessly combining real-time and turn-based strategy, it creates the perfect mix of control, exploration, variety, discovery, and strategy. And that's only on a single level, let alone the whole game! In each stage, you start off in a turn-based format where you select your unit on a map (called Co

Demon's Souls Review (PS3)

Okay, c'mon Aesop, you can do it. You've come this far! Well, all I really did was make a blog... And as a matter of fact, Aesop's not even my real name; it's- Crap, people are reading! Hi, my name is Aesop and as my interesting and hook filled epic of a bio can tell you, I'm an average gamer on a noble quest to become a great and powerful game journalist and bring peace back to my land. So with that in mind and without further ado, please accompany me in my first step on that road (and hope I don't trip). Very early on in my journey, I had already been met with a simple, yet challenging, obstacle: WHICH GAME SHOULD I REVIEW?! Despite what you might think, this is a difficult choice to make. I mean, your first review is supposed to be sacred and all, but I don't want to tackle anything too big, too quick. Plus, it's the first thing that lets your readers know what kind of gamer you are, and when I thought about that, the answer beca