I like cult classics. I like Hideo Kojima. And you know what I really like? Giant robots. Giant robots that beat the crap out of each other and cause a ton of collateral damage to the surrounding area. So obviously, once I heard of it, I needed to pick up the Zone of the Enders HD Collection. This version of the games has gotten a lot of flack from reviewers, but it's not all true. In fact, most of their problems aren't really that major. The Zone of the Enders HD Collection includes both Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner. An awesome demo of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is also included, but I won't be getting into that. The Zone of the Enders games have always had this style and flair to them that I've loved since the start. The game is just too fun. Keep in mind this review is going to be a bit longer than most because I'm going to cover both the original Zone of the Enders, and the sequel. The Zone of the Enders games take place...
Every Game Begins On Level One