Well I am veering off into left field nowadays aren't I? First gaming products, now 24/7 anime stations; I promise to get back to actual GAMES soon but I felt like this was something I needed to talk about seeing as the next game I'll review comes with a free 30 day trial of this service. Today I'm gonna review Neon Alley. Whats that? You want more back story on me (said no one ever) ? Well I'm an otaku. Like a serious otaku. Like an "I signed up for a 24/7 anime station cause it was relevant to my interests," type of otaku. Now I have Netflix as I assume most of the civilized world does and I had recently watched all the anime I was interested in at the time when I heard about Neon Alley. My first thought was "So this is Crunchyroll?", but it's not. While Crunchyroll allows you to choose what you want to watch, Neon Alley is far more like TV. You have virtually no control. Another big difference is all the anime on Neon Alley is DUBBED. Now t...
Every Game Begins On Level One