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Catherine Review

                                      This console generation has been kind of like puberty for gaming. Think about it; Games such as "Pong" and "SpaceWar!" could be considered infancy because of there simplicity. Next would be "Space Invaders", "Pac-Man" arcade games and all the way up to games on the "N64"and "Genesis" could be considered the toddler stage because of the nee developments. "PS2", "XBOX" and "GameCube" would be Adolescents (A good game for this analogy would be Kingdom Hearts, you wanna be cool but you still kinda like Disney.) . And with the "PS3" and "Xbox 360" we've reached puberty and are now totally obsessed with guns, girls and hanging with our friends, online of course(Story and gameplay be damned!). And if this gaming generation is in puberty, Catherine is its wet dream after a late night of experimenting with drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. Th
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